In a triumphant return to theaters, Disney and Pixar’s animated adventure, “Inside Out 2,” has exceeded expectations, earning an impressive $155 million domestically and a staggering $295 million worldwide during its opening weekend. This global figure marks the highest weekend launch ever for an animated film, leaving audiences and critics alike charmed by the sequel’s delightful exploration of emotions.
The film revisits the mind of Riley, now a teenager. Her familiar emotions—Joy, Sadness, and Anger—are joined by new ones, including Anxiety, Envy, Embarrassment, and Nostalgia. As Riley heads to summer camp, chaos ensues, captivating viewers with relatable and endearing characters.
Critics and audiences have praised “Inside Out 2,” awarding it an “A” CinemaScore and a 92% Fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes. The film’s positive word-of-mouth buzz bodes well for its theatrical run.
Records set by “Inside Out 2” during its opening weekend:
- Biggest Opening of the Year: The film surpassed “Dune: Part Two” and “Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire,” becoming the year’s highest-grossing debut.
- Second-Largest Animated Debut Ever: Only 2018’s Pixar sequel “Incredibles 2” had a bigger opening.
- Second-Biggest Start in Pixar History: Ahead of “Finding Dory” and “Toy Story 4.”
- Fourth-Best Opening for a PG Movie: Following “The Lion King,” “Incredibles 2,” and “Beauty and the Beast.”
With its impressive start, “Inside Out 2” is poised to surpass its predecessor’s success. Analysts predict it could even become the first film of the year to reach $1 billion at the global box office. Let’s celebrate this heartwarming sequel’s triumphant return to the big screen.